This is (obviously, I'm sure) not the shot I wanted to take. My dad was driving and I couldn't get the shot quickly enough. That said, I like it. It amuses me. :)
Music is posted for a short time, and while I use it in part to (hopefully, though not always) go along with the theme of the photo, I also post it in hopes someone will give it a try and fall in love with it as I have. Perhaps they will then seek out more by the artist and buy more cds. That's how it works with me, anyway.
If you like it, pick it up at the store; support the artists you love.
i like it too. and it's always grand to hear the stray cats again too
Thanks! I'm glad for the validation on this one.
I actually really like the off-kilter framing. It makes it look a little like the last photo someone took just before being devoured by a wildcat.
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