I have no photo for you today, (if gas prices were not so exorbitant, I could drive farther in the service of hunting up some good pictures, but oh noooooo...) but I do have some songs I've been feeling lately.
Diane Keaton - Seems Like Old Times
The provenance of this, I have no idea. An online buddy sent it to me on a mix cd (Thanks again, Emily!) and I love it.
Elvis Presley - Change of Habit
It's not only from that cute movie he did with Mary Tyler Moore (I still want to be her when I grow up), but I love it because it seems like he finally cut all that obnoxious Elvis shit I can't stand and just sang the song. And musically, the song is kind of timeless ... upbeat lyrics, and the music doesn't sound dated.
Frank Sinatra & Bing Crosby - Well, Did You Evah
From the musical "High Society," in which Frank's & Bing's characters drunkenly mock the other guests and commiserate over what a lousy time they're having at the party. But in that shimmery, sophisticated way people do when Cole Porter writes their lyrics.
Joe Cocker - Bye Bye Blackbird
Again, thank you Emily! Siiiigh.
Sammy Davis, Jr. - Eee-O Eleven
From "Ocean's Eleven" - no, the real one.
Ella Fitzgerald - Ooo Baby Baby
Downloaded from Pimps of Gore. (I really need to get my links section fixed.) This is so odd, this song. It's a time warp ... Ella's voice singing a Smokey Robinson song.
She & Him - Sweet Darlin'
And thanks again, Emily. :) The mix was a hit with me.
The Ibstock Place School Singers - Dandelion
Ah, Emily? :) You know the drill. This sweet version of the Stones' song, sung by schoolkids, I assume (you know, it's August. It's too hot and I'm too damn lazy to click past the first page of Google results) is so, so pretty.
No photo today?!! What are you doing to me????
>seems like he finally cut all that obnoxious Elvis shit I can't stand and just sang the song.
Ha ha, please explain...
I'm sorry! It wasn't intentional. I'm just tapped out, man.
If you think about all the little verbal tics Elvis impersonators use to their advantage, that's what I mean.
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