West Jefferson, Ohio
New theme! Songs about food. I think I must have started collecting songs about food without even realizing it, because I have a lot.
Louis Armstrong and his Hot Seven - Struttin' With Some Barbecue
(You've no idea how irritated I am that I don't actually have a song with "chicken" in the title.)
The only one I can think of off the top of my head is Cibo Matto's "Know Your Chicken".
Oh god... I haven't seen this KFC sign design. It's an uninspired flat travesty compared to the classic style bucket sign of yesteryear:
Reccomended music: the entire Chicken Zombies LP by Thee Michelle Gun Elephant:
I suggest that you hurry over to the Echoes in the Wind blog and get yourself some of that Red Hot Chicken by Wet Willie!
Back at the Chicken Shack - Jimmy Smith
Thanks for the suggestion, Anne. I don't know that one.
Yeah, karswell, I'm familiar with the big bucket; they're very cool. I hadn't seen a flat bucket before, so I posted it. Someday I hope to get down to Georgia to shoot the Big Chicken.
Thanks anonymous - I did head over to Echoes, and while I didn't grab that one, I took several others. I bookmarked the blog, because it's a really good one. Thanks for the hint.
Not familiar with that one either, tina - thanks for commenting!
Hasil Adkins' Poultry in Motion is nothing but chicken songs.
Yeah, but it's Hasil Adkins. :D
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